COVID Registry

Evado Clinical provides an ideal platform for registries that wish to study the longterm medical impacts of COVID. Evado Clinical supports up to 20 different data collection schedules to collect data for specific clinical conditions. The Evado Clinical’s PRO would enable patients to directly participate in the registry by entering their daily observations, along with schedule specific questionnaires. Evado Clinical can provide a single registry to collect: respiratory, cardiac, versus neurological patient impacts of COVID collecting a combination of common and condition-specific data.
Last night’s news featured an article covering the long term medical impacts of COVID-19 and the need to study them.
Evado runs a number of registries collecting longterm outcomes and would be keen to discuss the possibility of providing Evado Clinical to study the impact of COVID with any interested group who wish to establish a long term registry to study the impacts of COVID.
For more information see
Contact Ross Anderson,