OnDemand Clinical Trial subscription service

The COVID Pandemic has dramatically disrupted the delivery of clinical trials. Sponsors now require instant access to clinical software so that trials can be set up without any delays. Evado’s Clinical enterprise clinical trial software has been re-imaged as Evado OnDemand to meet this need.

Evado OnDemand is competitively priced for trials of all sizes to provide sponsors with a fast turnaround from setup to recruitment.

Evado OnDemand provides all of the features of an enterprise solution delivered as a simple on-demand service.

Evado OnDemand has three tiers of service purchased of a per trial basis. Informed Consent can be run as a stand-alone trial or integrated with EDC.

  • Lite: is a simple easy to user service for small trials:
    • a maximum of 200 subjects
    • electronic informed consent, stand alone or integrated with EDC
    • eSignature
    • eSource
    • one schedule
    • remote trial participation
    • remote monitoring
    • simple scheduling and data collection
    • a web base eCOA functionality
  • Standard: is a service for medium sized trials or registries. It has all of Evado OnDemand Lite functionality plus
    • a maximum of 500 subjects
    • Multi-arm trials
    • Randomisation
    • a web and device eCOA functionality
  • Enhanced: is a service for large sized trials or registries. It has all of OnDemand Standard functionality for trials or registries with greater than 500 subjects

Evado OnDemand also has an enterprise service for customers that are running large numbers of trials or registries. The enterprise service also support web service integration with external systems or services.