Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA)


  • Easy to configure
  • Evado has a fully integrated environment
  • Easy creation and completion of form records
  • Form layouts can used across multiple trial and registries
  • Adaptable for different types of trials and registries
  • User friendly intuitive access
  • Flexible data collection, on a desktop or mobile device
  • Extensive reporting

Evado’s Clinical Outcome Assessment (eCOA) module enables clinicians and patients to directly enter observations and complete questionnaires for the studies and trials they are participating in. The clinical outcome assessments can include a variety of standardised research instruments, questionnaires or study
specific checklists. It is also possible to import patient data from external sources such as, iWatches or Fitbits.

When in normal patient mode the study can record patient initiated data, e.g. recording daily pain scores or vital signs. The patient can also be linked to personal health data devices, such as Fitbits or iWatches, etc.

The scanned questionnaire data can also be imported Evado OnDemand:

  • Site initialise the creation of the patient’s questionnaire form.
  • The patient completes the questionnaire
  • The completed questionnaires are completed and scanned

The eCOA module links the patient directly to a participating clinical or data collection site and can
included a subject in any of the studies or trials the clinic is associated with that site. Once the patient is requested to complete, e.g. a general health questionnaire and will be included as part of the study’s data record.