Clinical Trials
- Quick and easy to learn
- Simplifies trial record management
- Easy creation and completion of form records
- Form layouts can used across multiple clinical trials
- Transparent on-demand pricing
- Evado has a fully integrated environment
- Easily is accessible from a standard web browser or mobile device
- You own your data.
Key features
- Run an unlimited number of trials and studies simultaneously in the one environment.
- Online form tools for data collection
- Standardized configurable form field validation rules .
- Online record review, monitoring and data management.
- Schedule for multltiple arm trials
- Online data query
- Statistical export of project data
- Registry data forms
- eSource data collection
- Case Report forms
- Questionnaires and standardised data collection instruments
- General forms, i.e. AE, SAE, Concomitent Medications
- Each form layout is versioned and can be updated at any time during the trial
- External images and streamed videos can be included in form layouts